Director’s Corner

Spring is here!

It has been such a blessing to watch our students grow this year! They are taller, stronger, and smarter in every way! This semester we are learning about all things that grow! Our ones through threes classes are having fun raising caterpillars and watching as they grow and change into butterflies. Our PreK classes have been incubating chicken eggs and exploring their life cycle. Once they hatch, students will be using stem concepts to build perches and coops for the newborn chicks.

All year long, we have been partnering with the Christian Care Center next door to host field trips for our PreK kiddos. They went trick or treating, Christmas caroling, delivered valentines, and this month they will go on an Easter egg hunt! The residents there love to see our children and spend time with them and our students get so much joy from making the day of a special grand-friend.

We will be hosting parents and loved ones at our annual open house next month where students showcase the awesome things they have learned and created. Don’t miss our annual Silent Auction Fundraiser! Bidding opens on March 28th and closes on April 4th. There are lots of great prizes waiting for you!

Lea Jasper

Looking for a way to support our preschool? Check out our Amazon Wishlist full of our currently needed and frequently used items!